Please join us for the next ASHE Derby City Section Luncheon

 TOPIC(s): KYTC’s Complete Streets Policy & Presentations for the Derby City Chapter Projects of the Year

PRESENTERS – Keith Lovan (KYTC) and Katie Rowe (Gresham Smith)

When:  Thursday, June 29, 2023

Where:  Knights of Columbus

              4417 River Road

Check In:  11:30 am

Meeting Time:  12:00 pm

Deadline:  Friday, June 23, 2023 at 5:00 PM

Cost (if pre-registered by deadline):  $18  You can pay NOW using the following link  https://square.link/u/rmn2lfNJ

Cost for ASHE members that are Government Employees: $5  You can pay NOW using the following link  https://square.link/u/PiiTdiZm

Cost (after deadline):  $23 You can pay NOW using the following link  https://square.link/u/3UpYuXG4

RSVP to Jonathan Berry: mailto:Jon.Berry@burgessniple.com

On the day of the meeting, please be sure to sign in at the front desk to avoid being mistakenly double charged for the meeting.

Also, if you are a Professional Engineer, make sure and pick up your certificate for your professional design hour.